Birthday Ideas 💡 Scarcity For Men

Birthday Ideas 💡  are somewhat scarce in some ladies but definitely more scarce in some men.  When most ladies are always dependant on a man taking them out or calling all the shots for them to make it a memoriable one,  Men are just totally indifferent about the idea of birthdays.  Some don't even see it as special while majority even forget about their own Birthday probably due to the economy situation or the phobia of incurring more expenses.   The idea of you just trying to stay indoors all day on your birthday is a clear indication that you have Birthday Idea Scarcity. Celebrating your birthday has got not to do with cost.  A mere music blasting at home and friends coming around you is more than enough.  You can even get a DJ just to play for you or just buy 100DJ mix tape at Alaba International Market if you can't afford the cost of a DJ. Avoiding celebrating your birthday does not make you more of a man and definitely doesn't make others doing so lesser of a men calibre but a symptom of lack of birthday ideas in you. These three brothers are actually tripplets celebrating their 40th birthday together.   You can share this post  with anyone suffering from birthday idea celebration and hopefully,  ladies,  you can help your man out with or without his wallet being tampared.
