FIRST FAMILY Vs SECOND FAMILY SUPIRIORITY IN MARRIAGE. Should Parents family control couples marriage ?

Some people may not actually understand what First Family and Second Family implies, a family remains a family right? However, when marriage occurs, a partition occurs and a new family is born. A lady or a man that is not married has only one family or better put its as his or her natural family. 
After marriage, the family of the new couple automatically assumes the position of the first family. 
Married couples needs to understand the importance and value of their family( The new first family) than their parental family.

With no doubt, the parental family did everything for their child or children to become successful up to the poin of marriage and establishment of their new home. However, new couples must also understand that their new family is more superior than their parental family and must be respected and be able to settle their differences without thier parental involvemnt or at least , with minimal involvment not to the extent where a parent or a particular spouse family would be the one to call the shots in their sons or daughters family. 

The first family [ New Couples Family ] is not a puppet in the hands of the parental family no matter how naive, inexperience the new couples family may be. All readers must please take note of this, no matter how rich , influencial or level of support a family is giving to the new couples family, that is not in any way a yardstick for any parent, guidian or family to be so bold, arrogant and full of pride to call the shots in their childrens marriage or marrital affiras. Many homes and families have been tourn apart by this cruel ahiach, and demonic believe system.
