Maternity Naked Photo Fever

The journey between conception and delivery is such a tedious and challenging one for every pregnant woman. The mere fact that they body you claim to be yours only is now having a tenant or tenants who are taking everything for you for 9 solid months can really be freakingly-awesome. You love to always sleep on your tummy on a good day but during this period, tenants within your body system now begins to dictate how and when you should sleep or wake.  To cap all these stress together,  I wonder why on earth 🌍 a pregnant woman will decide to go for a complete naked photo shoot. I mean all in Eve-mode in front of a male photographer who is not your husband and the photographs to be seen by all your in-laws and also on all social media platforms.  This is an extreme anti-motherly behavior of the highest order and just like former President  would always say to any ugly scenario  ..." I condemn this act"". If you think it is right or wrong for s pregnant woman to go totally naked for a maternity naked photo shoot,  please drop your comments below.
