Prayers for November

As the door of this new month is opened unto you, doors of great uncommon and undisputed opportunities shall be opened unto you.

Your legs shall walk in the paths of prosperity.

No good things shall be withheld from you this month .

This month shall be your month of immeasurable grace.

Silver and gold shall be common upon your table.

Every good portion allotted to you, you shall not miss them.

I decree that everything God created, both visible and invisible, will work for your elevation.

By the grace of God you shall experience Grace upon Grace and increase upon increase in Jesus name.

A rain of abundance has been released and it is your portion in Jesus name.

Nevertheless, I decree in the mighty name of Jesus, this month shall be:

A month of nice new things.

A month of doubles and multiples.

A month of many surprises.

A month of helps  and happiness.

A month of Unprecedented Unmerited miracles.

A month of  health and wealth beyond imagination.

A month of renewal, revival and restoration.

A month commencement continuation and completion.

Good morning, happy new month filled with #MEGAMERCY.

