1. "The idea that marriage is work"
Don't look at marriage as if it's work or a struggle. That attitude will wear you down. Who wants to get out of job and come back home to work all their life? Look at marriage as a journey with your best friend. Approach marriage with the right attitude
2. "Unattended to issues"
Don't pile up issues, address them immediately. Pending issues threaten the joy in your marriage
3. "Rigidity in sex"
Try out new sex positions, let loose, flirt, be kinky, experiment as you remain faithful.
4. "Lack of laughter"
Stop being too serious, joke, laugh, tease each other, watch comedies, have fun.
5. "Domestic talks"
Don't reduce your conversations to be just about chores, bills, responsibilities and parenthood. Talk about life, feelings, romance each other, smooth talk each other, heighten intimacy.
6. "No more dating"
Just because you are married doesn't mean that you stop going out on dates. Dress up, go out, do dinners, go for salsa, go for concerts, picnics, vacations. Go out as a couple.
7. "Over spiritualizing things"
Don't turn everything to a spiritual talk just because you want to show you are Godly. God cares about every aspect of your life, not just your spirit. There is a time for everything
8. "Seclusion"
Don't isolate yourselves as a couple, make friends, invite visitors home, have get togethers or a barbeque, see what other married couples are doing, socialize while still remaining faithful, bless lives together as a couple.
9. "Intrusion"
Do not allow outsiders to come and interfere with what you two are building. Only you two carry the vision for your marriage, not your Pastor, your parents or friends.
10. "Lack of stimulation"
Give each other new experiences. Dress up, look good, read up, grow mentality, make progress so that you are able to stimulate your spouse mentally, sexually and visually.
11. "Loneliness"
Yes, you can be married and lonely. This happens when you don't give each other time, when you don't do things together, when you don't make effort to understand each other. Don't make your spouse feel single.
12. "Selfishness"
It is so boring to be married to a self centered person, don't be such a person.
Keep sharing.
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