Bishop David Oyedepo has asked the following questions...please share widely. This post must get to the officials of the Nigerian government before nightfall today. Perhaps they have answers to these heart aching questions from the prophet........
1. Is cattle business government's business?
2. How much is cattle business contributing to the nation's GDP?
3. Should men, women and children continue to lay down their lives for cattles?
4. How many cattles does a fulani cattle rearer need to sell to purchase an AK47 rifle?
5. Does one need a 3 million naira equipment to protect a 100 thousand naira investment?
6. In a country where there are no natural disasters, should there be mass burials happening all the time?
7. Judging by the technicalities of these killings, can we not see that this is beyond fulani cattle rearer initiative?
Share this post please. While we pray, Let's also keep appealing to consciences of the clueless Buhari and his government officials. Nigeria is our country- Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, etc. It's humans that eat meat from cattle and not the other way round. Enough is enough!!!
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