Stop the average individual on the street and ask them, Do you know God?.... well i go to church every Sunday ... no i didn't ask you that. Do you know God? Well i sing in the Choir .... no, no, no! you missed my point. Do you know God? Read more...
Stop the average individual on the street and ask them, Do you know God?.... well i go to church every Sunday ... no i didn't ask you that. Do you know God? Well i sing in the Choir .... no, no, no! you missed my point. Do you know God? Well i'm a deacon ... you are not getting it ... Do you know God? Well i can quote some bible verses...are u listening to my question?... do you know God? i've been baptized, i've been confirmed, i take confessions how can you ask me that?... You are still not answering my question. Do you know God??... You see, being religious doesn't mean you know God. Everybody is religious. Everybody belongs to something. everybody can get baptized, you can join any church quicker than you can Join the Masons ... but i'm not talking about that. i'm talking about if you know God. we can produce any form of religion without personally knowing who God is. And most people are living their lives in one religion or the other detached from knowing who God is. So now the problem is because we don't know God, the world is messed up. because we don't know God, families are divided. because we don't know God we have wars we have hunger we have poverty. because we don't know God we have hate and racism and bigotry. But if you know who it is we worship and understand why we worship HiM, your worship style will change. Jesus said it's possible to worship me in vain. We have gotten so used to the motions in church it's just routine now. One fast song one slow song, speak in tongues, take the offering, gossip a little, share the grace, lets go home. Whether God showed up or not, we don't care. that's none of our business. Well God i went to church today i didn't feel your presence, you didn't show up but well, i did. i made it! and we get so proud of ourselves that we made it through the 2 hour service. great achievement!! Who are you worshiping? How are you worshiping Him? Listen. GOD is a SPiRiT and they that worship HiM must worship HiM in SPiRiT and TRUTH. You gossiping in the midst of worship,... How can that be worshiping in truth? And don't forget what TRUTH is. TRUTH is a PERSON. and it's in the person of no other than CHRiST JESUS!! #LEADERSHiP
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