Shock as pastor tells followers to attend church pantyless

Pastor tells female congregants to attend church with no underwear and bra. Photo/

A pastor in Nairobi had raised eyebrows when he reportedly told women attending his church not to wear underwear.

Reverend Njohi told the female congregants to remove their bras and underwear before coming to the church so they can feel closer to God.

This new form of worship by Rev Njohi is because he said that the God can enter their bodies easily.

The female congregants were forbidden from wearing bras and underwear during his service at the Lord’s Propeller Redemption Church following a meeting of the church elders.

According to, Rev Njohi reportedly said when worshippers go to church, they need to feel free in their body and spirit in order to receive Christ.

Rev Njohi, in 2014 had warned the congregation of grave consequences if his female members did not adhere to the new rule.

Mothers were also advised to check their daughters when coming to church on Sundays so as to ensure they obey the new law and can receive Christ too.

It is reported that most women in his church are said to have attended the next service with no underwear or bra.

It was however strange that the Rev did not say men needed to leave their pants at home as well while attending his service.
