A gang of notorious armed robbers led by a young man popularly known as Enugu road who hails from Enugu state, has been arrested for terrorising Obosi town and it's environs in Anambra state. See photos

A gang of notorious armed robbers led by a young man popularly known as Enugu road who hails from Enugu state, has been arrested for terrorising Obosi town and it's environs in Anambra state.

The suspect was apprehended with one other by the men of the Nigerian Police force at Ogidi, in Idemili North local council area - with the aid of a vigilante team.

According to reports, Enugu road and his gang has maimed and killed many person in Obosi, upper Iweka, Nkpor and environs during the course of their robberies.

One of the gang member (the suspect's girlfriend from Obosi, Uruowulu village) is still on the run as reportedly she escaped via Ogbunike cave.

Efforts are being made by SARS to apprehend this criminals for possible prosecution for their atrocities.
